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Industrial networking is the future. When I say Industrial networking, I do not literally mean networking just in an industrial environment, I am referring to networks that have devices for process or manufacturing i.e PLC controllers, sensors, drives and robots.

工业网络是未来。 当我说工业网络时,我并不是说仅在工业环境中进行网络连接,而是指具有用于过程或制造的设备(即PLC控制器,传感器,驱动器和机器人)的网络。

That's right, I said robots - cool right? Well, it is. Don't get too excited as we don't get to actually control the robots - however the network you will build will ultimately support the people who do.

是的,我说的是机器人-很酷吗? 好吧,是的。 不要因为我们无法真正控制机器人而兴奋不已-但是,您将建立的网络最终将为从事这项工作的人提供支持。

In industrial networks it is important your process devices are in a completely segregated and secure network. Why? Lets say for example you have a controller which controls the "on" and "off" status of a conveyor belt moving large objects in a production environment, and these controllers and the system that controls it are on your corporate day to day business network. 

在工业网络中,重要的是过程设备必须处于完全隔离且安全的网络中。 为什么? 例如,假设您有一个控制器,该控制器控制生产环境中移动大型物体的传送带的“开”和“关”状态,而这些控制器和控制它的系统位于企业的日常业务网络中。

Suddenly, your $100 firewall/router combo gets compromised and floods your network with malicious software. While this is happening, your conveyor belt is on shutdown for maintenance and people are actively working on physically repairing some parts for it. The system which controls the on & off switch is now compromised and enables the on button... you can see where this is going....people's lives are at risk.

突然,您的$ 100防火墙/路由器组合遭到破坏,并用恶意软件淹没您的网络。 发生这种情况时,您的传送带将关闭以进行维护,并且人们正在积极地对其进行一些零件的物理维修。 现在,控制通断开关的系统遭到破坏,并启用了开按钮...您可以看到发生了什么....人们的生命受到威胁。

So how to prevent this? In the industrial networking world, we follow a networking model called the "Purdue networking model" formally known as the "ISA-99 model" It looks something like this:

那么如何预防呢? 在工业网络世界中,我们遵循一种称为“ Purdue网络模型”的网络模型,正式称为“ ISA-99模型”。它看起来像这样:

This is a picture I pulled from google which gives a nice visual color breakout of the levels involved. I will attempt to simplify the levels as basic as possible so you can understand the fundamentals. 

这是我从Google提取的一张图片,提供了所涉及级别的漂亮视觉色彩突破。 我将尝试尽可能简化基本级别,以便您了解基本知识。

Level 5 - Enterprise Zone


This level is called the enterprise zone or "corporate zone". This is where your corporate level applications are used to support the corporate business and basic users access. Items or peripherals found in this zone, include Exchange servers, access points, web servers, corporate directory architectures, document management systems, vpn end points and HR systems. This is your typical day to day enterprise/global business operations layer where 90% of your business will function.

此级别称为企业区域或“企业区域”。 这是您的公司级应用程序用于支持公司业务和基本用户访问的地方。 在此区域中找到的项目或外围设备包括Exchange服务器,访问点,Web服务器,公司目录体系结构,文档管理系统,vpn端点和HR系统。 这是您日常的企业/全球业务运营典型层,其中90%的业务将在其中运行。

Level 4 - Enterprise Zone #2


This Level is part of the Enterprise zone, but has more specific to a business unit or local office. In this zone, you will find; local file and print servers, local phone systems, site directory replicas, site specific remote access solutions, security event aggregators and site specific access points. Just remember - this is your local office site, not your global company network. 

该级别是企业区域的一部分,但更特定于业务部门或本地办公室。 在此区域中,您会发现; 本地文件和打印服务器,本地电话系统,站点目录副本,站点特定的远程访问解决方案,安全事件聚合器和站点特定的访问点。 请记住-这是您的本地办公室站点,而不是您的全球公司网络。

Level 3.5 - DMZ


This layer is by far the most complicated layer. Not shown in the diagram as level 3.5, but this is the known name in the industry. This DMZ layer provides a series of functions for specific zones where services and data can be shared between the zones. So for example, you may have a data center in both your corporate AND your process network. 

该层是迄今为止最复杂的层。 在图中未显示为3.5级,但这是业内已知的名称。 该DMZ层为特定区域提供了一系列功能,可以在区域之间共享服务和数据。 因此,例如,您可能在公司和过程网络中都有一个数据中心。

Your corporate users may require some access to functions within your process network, and users in the process network may require access to some functions in your corporate network. The necessary VM's providing these services would sit in the 3.5 DMZ layer where they are logically segregated from the rest of their data center VM's but still accessible as required. 

您的公司用户可能需要访问过程网络中的某些功能,而过程网络中的用户可能需要访问公司网络中的某些功能。 提供这些服务的必要VM将位于3.5 DMZ层,在逻辑上将它们与其余数据中心VM隔离开来,但仍可根据需要进行访问。

Items typically found in this zone include; Patch management servers, Anti-virus management systems, site specific application servers, jump host environments, business intelligence systems, back end databases for site specific applications and development systems. 

通常在此区域中找到的项目包括; 修补程序管理服务器,防病毒管理系统,特定于站点的应用程序服务器,跳转主机环境,商业智能系统,特定于站点的应用程序和开发系统的后端数据库。

Level 3 - Manufacturing Zone or Operations Support


This zone includes the functions involved in managing operations with in the process environment. Items typically found in this zone include operations scheduling resources, reliability tracking tools, operation simulation and modelling tools, contingency analysis tools, data historians and data virtualization utilities. There would also most likely be dedicated operations specific IT services such as DHCP,LDAP,DNS, File servers ect. 

该区域包括在流程环境中管理操作所涉及的功能。 在此区域中通常可以找到的项目包括操作调度资源,可靠性跟踪工具,操作模拟和建模工具,意外事件分析工具,数据历史学家和数据虚拟化实用程序。 很有可能还会有专门针对运营的IT服务,例如DHCP,LDAP,DNS,文件服务器等。

Level 2 - Supervisory Control LAN


This is where the diagram does not show the break down of the final few levels. I will though. 

该图未显示最后几个级别的分解。 我会的。

Level 2 includes functions involved with operating the real time control systems with in your process or manufacturing network. Items found in this zone typically consist of; control center operation workstations. Human machine interfaces (HMI's), engineering workstations, security event collectors, operation alarm systems, communication front ends, data historians and network / server administrator workstations.

级别2包括在您的过程或制造网络中运行实时控制系统所涉及的功能。 在此区域中找到的项目通常包括: 控制中心操作工作站。 人机界面(HMI),工程工作站,安全事件收集器,操作警报系统,通信前端,数据历史学家和网络/服务器管理员工作站。

Level 1 - Control Devices


Level 1 includes the functions involved at site specific operating environments. This includes; dedicated operator workstations, PLC controllers, control processors,  programmable relays, remote terminal units, process specific micro controllers.

级别1包括特定于站点的操作环境所涉及的功能。 这包括; 专用的操作员工作站,PLC控制器,控制处理器,可编程继电器,远程终端单元,过程专用的微控制器。

Level 0 - Process


If you made it reading this far and you're still awake, great - because here comes the robot portion!


Level 0 is your process zone, this zone includes the functions involved in transitioning from "cyber" to physical and from physical to "cyber" (basically where your computer world meets physical working world)


This zone includes; sensors, motors, field instrumentation devices; automation machinery like robots! 

该区域包括; 传感器,电动机,现场仪表设备; 像机器人一样的自动化机械!

So now you have read through all of the zones, I would like to point out that level 3 and 4 are divided by a firewall. This is to prevent your corporate based network being integrated and potentially causing risk to your process control network. 

因此,现在您已经通读了所有区域,我想指出的是,第3级和第4级由防火墙划分。 这是为了防止基于企业的网络被集成,并可能对过程控制网络造成风险。

I could go into the in depth firewall requirements and configuration of the ISA-99 model, however this article is for the fundamental knowledge of Industrial based networking. But i will tell you this; these firewall rules have to be locked down to deny all and allow only the necessary ports and IP addresses. 

我可以深入了解ISA-99模型的防火墙要求和配置,但是本文是针对基于工业网络的基础知识的。 但是我会告诉你的; 必须锁定这些防火墙规则以拒绝所有防火墙,并仅允许必要的端口和IP地址。

Beyond the firewall configuration, your process network including your DMZ should be logically segregated as much as possible. Your DMZ will have traffic flow rules to ensure data from your process network is only entering the DMZ to a shared service which then processes your request. Process devices have no direct contact with your corporate network, and the same logic applies to your corporate workstations. 

除防火墙配置外,包括DMZ在内的过程网络应在逻辑上尽可能地隔离。 您的DMZ将具有流量规则,以确保来自流程网络的数据仅进入DMZ到共享服务,然后该共享服务将处理您的请求。 过程设备与企业网络没有直接联系,并且相同的逻辑适用于企业工作站。

If you enjoyed reading about the fundamentals of a process technology network, please leave a comment and let me know if you would like to know more in depth information about Industrial networking. 


For now, I will leave you with the basics and hopefully this jump starts your knowledge in this exciting future of robot networking.....!




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